We just returned from our annual camping party with a great group of friends. We camp out in the boonies near Comins, MI. The property includes a private lake and the wildlife is abundant. Deer, turkey, raccoon & bear come in daily. This year we were treated to an extra special visitor, a Blanding's Turtle. Blanding's Turtles are semi-aquatic turtles native to the central & eastern portions of the United States & Canada. Named after Dr. William Blanding, the American naturalist who first observed this species, Blanding's Turtles are an endangered species throughout most of the areas they inhabit. Blanding's Turtles are unique because they show little to no signs of aging. Because of its size we can safely assume this turtle is old. But how old is anyone's guess. Blanding's Turtles reach sexual maturity after 14 to 20 years and can breed into their 80's!
Blanding's Turtle Identification
Turtle Power! Watch the Video Below to See a Blanding's Turtle In Action Happy Campers!
Another great catch for Jason!
Last weekend we celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary. Life with Jason certainly has been an adventure. But I never imagined our lives would become a Pillywiggins Adventure. Yet here we are... Living Happily Ever After
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December 2024